In the State of California, individuals have Direct Access that allows you to see a Physical Therapist without a referral from a physician. Your Physical Therapist is able to evaluate and treat your symptoms and refer you out to a physician for any conditions outside the scope of physical therapy practice.

If you plan to use health insurance, we recommend that you see your primary care physician within 45 days after your PT evaluation for a referral since most insurance companies require an MD referral for coverage. However, we do offer flexible cash rates for all our patients and encourage you inquire about your needs prior to your visit.


On your first visit, you will be asked to provide proper identification, health insurance card and PT prescription note (if applicable). We recommend you arrive at least 10 minutes early on your initial visit so you have time to fill our medical screening form, functional outcome score and confidentiality paperwork before meeting with our therapists. A doctor will then perform a 1-on-1 initial evaluation with you, which will include an in-depth subjective history and objective movement-based examination.

After the examination, you will be given a physical therapy and/or movement systems diagnosis as well as a list of functional deficits to address. Treatment will begin immediately and a custom home exercise program will be prescribed at the conclusion of the first visit. A plan of care consisting of goals, frequency and duration of your visits will be thoroughly discussed. YOUR goals are OUR goals and we will do our best to help you reach them as fast as possible!